Busbridge Infant School P R O S P E C T U S The Continual Pursuit of Excellence
0 2 B U S B R I D G E I N F A N T P R O S P E C T U S
B U S B R I D G E I N F A N T P R O S P E C T U S 0 3 Dear Parents and Carers, I hope you will find this prospectus informative and useful in discovering what makes Busbridge Infant School such a special and wonderful place for thriving and growing up. Education is a vitally important process and it is right that you should try to find out more about the opportunities and resources that are available for your child. I fully understand that choosing a school for your child is one of the most important decisions that you will make. I hope that this prospectus will highlight the many features of Busbridge Infant School that make it so unique. However, there’s no better way to have a first hand opportunity to see it for yourself, talk to the children and staff and experience the excellent opportunities and outstanding learning environments that we offer to all children. We hope you want to visit us because learning here has never been better! We are committed to providing the highest quality care and education for your child; our teachers strive to deliver outstanding lessons which will stimulate and engage your child, and ultimately, foster a life-long love of learning. Underpinning this philosophy is the importance of each child’s wellbeing and our first-class pastoral care which recognises that, for a child to achieve their educational potential, they must feel safe, happy and valued at school. Safeguarding is at the heart of the school’s culture and is always given the highest priority, ensuring that all staff put children at the forefront of their thinking and conduct their responsibilities with a safeguarding attitude of ‘it could happen here’. As you read through this brochure, I trust that what will unfold is an indication of the philosophy of our school. It will reveal a snapshot of the stunning grounds combined with the ambitiously high expectations of learning and will leave you wanting to visit and experience the truly nurturing approach of staff modelling a set of values which we believe so whole heartedly in and instilling a love and passion in ‘the continual pursuit of excellence’ and develop the children of tomorrow. I would very much like to meet you and would be delighted to show you around the school. Yours sincerely, D A R R E N H E AT L E Y H E A D T E A C H E R Welcome
0 4 B U S B R I D G E I N F A N T P R O S P E C T U S Busbridge Infant School is situated on a large site at the edge of Godalming. As an infant only school, it takes children from the ages of 4 – 7 years. The school has 2 classes in Year Reception (the first year of school) and these children learn following the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) curriculum. There are 2 classes in Year 1 (second year of school) and 2 classes in Year 2 (third year of school) and these children learn following the statutory National Curriculum for Key Stage 1. After this time, the children will leave the school and join a different school for their subsequent education. Applications for junior schools are made through a separate admission process for all children and although many children join the neighbouring Busbridge C of E Junior School, but please note it is not an automatic transfer. The school boasts wonderful grounds; a large secure playing field, a large playground complete with climbing frame, trim trail and many other exciting resources. We have activity stations positioned around the field including a climbing wall. Our Rainbow Garden and raised Vegetable beds are very popular with children and adults alike. The main building is comprised of designated classrooms, some with their own outside learning spaces, a spacious hall, kitchen facilities for the preparation of freshly cooked hot meals, staff room, offices and toilets/cloakrooms for each class. There are also two additional classrooms with fully enclosed and appropriate outside learning opportunities. The School BUSBRIDGE INFANT SCHOOL Our staff, parents and governors are very clear about the expectations which they value about the school. In particular, the friendly atmosphere, high quality learning, good behaviour, strong focus on social skills and development, as well as an emphasis on the ‘basics’ are all featured highly in parental feedback. Families love the extras; clubs, trips, visits and fun that brings the children’s learning alive. The children are happy, enjoy their learning and feel safe and cared for, they like active learning and making good use of our wonderful grounds. We all want to develop all of these aspects of our provision even more. So, without allowing ourselves to become complacent or ignoring trends in educational thinking, we continue to deliver in an outstanding direction and always in ‘the continual pursuit of excellence’. ETHOS & VISION
B U S B R I D G E I N F A N T P R O S P E C T U S 0 5 We aim to help our children, with the co-operation of their parents, to We do this by providing Values & Aims The school’s Vision, ‘the continual pursuit of excellence’ is clear in all that we do here at Busbridge Infant School. The families, children and the environment are what makes our school special and unique. Our children are happy, enjoy their learning and feel safe and cared for, they like active learning and making good use of our wonderful grounds. We all want to develop all of these aspects of our provision even more. So, without allowing ourselves to become complacent or ignoring trends in educational thinking, we continue in an outstanding direction and always in ‘the continual pursuit of excellence’. Underpinning this vision are the school Values; Respect, Creativity, Resilience and Collaboration all fundamental in ensuring that we deliver our aims. • Develop into happy and confident individuals with a secure foundation in learning that will last throughout their lives. • Develop lively and enquiring minds through knowledge with understanding. • Value and understand religious and moral beliefs and develop a respect for the views of others. • Understand something of the world in which we live with regard for our mutual dependence on others as individuals, groups and nations. • Appreciate human achievements and aspirations. • A school environment in which they can enjoy developing their mental and physical abilities. • Whole school and individual staff professional development which ensures the highest quality of teaching and learning. • Opportunities to work with other children and adults in a friendly atmosphere and so develop social skills in co-operating with each other. • An environment that vigorously pursues excellence.
0 6 B U S B R I D G E I N F A N T P R O S P E C T U S The ambitious curriculum is balanced and broadly based. It consists of all the activities designed or encouraged in the school to develop intellectual, personal, social and physical activities in the children. It includes not only the formal programme of lessons, but also the ‘informal’ programme of extra-curricular activities as well as the features which produce the school’s ethos, such as equality of opportunity, the values shown in the way the school sets about its task and the way in which it is organised, led and managed. Curriculum The curriculum at Busbridge Infant School is planned by staff in conjunction with governors and colleagues from partner schools in the Trust. Each subject is carefully sequenced to ensure that the knowledge and skills outlined in the National Curriculum can be acquired, developed and mastered by each child with long-term retention. Our teaching and learning is child-centred in that pupils are central to all our planning. We have high expectations of our children and have constructed a curriculumwhich allows all children to achieve to the highest level, nurturing their personal interests and talents, and equipping themwith the skills and knowledge to be successful in their lives. We aim to interest and excite the children so that they want to learn and enjoy their new skills and understanding.
B U S B R I D G E I N F A N T P R O S P E C T U S 0 7 WOODLAND SCHOOL Woodland School learning forms an important component of our outdoor curriculum here at Busbridge Infant school. Our Woodland School sessions are a wonderful blend of Forest School Approach and environmental education. The sessions also provide many opportunities for first hand crosscurricular learning, with many links to Science in particular. Woodland school sessions are carried out with a high adult to child ratio in a safe and secure, beautiful wild area comprising a large pond, wildflower area, fire circle, den building area, bug hunting zone and mud kitchen. BEYOND THE CLASSROOM Extra-Curricular Activities Many activities and clubs take place at lunchtime or as enrichment club opportunities at the end of the school day. At present there are a range of clubs available such as, cookery, gardening, singing, football, animation, art and construction which are led by school staff. To help parents and carers who are unable to collect their children at the end of the day due to prior commitments, we operate an After-School Care Provision too. Children are cared for by the same school adults from 3.15pm until 6.00pm and are welcome to a snack and drink as part of their time to experience a choice of fun based or quiet activities. These sessions are available to book on line, either in advance or on the day subject to availability. We operate a Breakfast Club for children whose parents who may require an early start. Again, children are cared for by school staff. This facility runs from 7.45am until 8.45amwhen the children are taken safely to their class. These sessions are also available to book on line, either in advance or on the day subject to availability. School Educational Visits As part of our commitment to delivering a broad and balanced curriculum, we recognise the value of educational trips and visits in enriching the learning and overall experience that our pupils have at school. With carefully planned learning outcomes, school trips add valuable context and real-life experiences to our class-based teaching. We also take every opportunity to explore our local environment both within the school grounds and in the wider community and enjoy good relationships with local businesses and providers, including Busbridge church for Harvest, Christmas and Easter services. Our trips and local visits programme are regularly reviewed and include: • Wisley Gardens • Rural Life Living Museum • The Gilbert White Field Studies Centre • Local farm visit • Other trips linked to learning • Swimming in Year 2 Sports Our aim in Physical Education is to help the children learn more about their bodies through a programme of sporting fitness incorporating gymnastics, dance and games. A positive social attitude towards team games is fostered enabling the children to understand the importance of teamwork and co-operation and the children participate I. various events among the local community.
0 8 B U S B R I D G E I N F A N T P R O S P E C T U S An Exceptional Education for all
B U S B R I D G E I N F A N T P R O S P E C T U S 0 9 Inclusion Busbridge Infant School is committed to a policy of inclusion for all members of the school community irrespective of social background, culture, race, gender, differences in ability and disabilities (in accordance with the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 and the Sex Discrimination Act 1975). We are committed to promoting racial equality and good race relations across all areas of school life including curriculum, teaching and learning, progress, attainment and assessment, admissions, attendance, behaviour, discipline and exclusions, pupils’ personal development and pastoral care, staff recruitment and professional development, membership of the governing body, partnerships with parents and community. Additional Support From time to time many children will need additional support either to overcome a learning difficulty or to ensure that the curriculum fully extends their abilities. Specialist help is available within the school. Our Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator oversees and coordinates this support with a team of teachers and teaching assistants. They work with small groups and monitor the progress of children. Additional support is available when appropriate from Educational Psychologists and other outside support agencies, including those with regard for looked after children. The More Able Child Our school policy is to identify through clear curriculum guidelines those children who have outstanding abilities. Opportunities are given for children to develop their specific skills or talents right across the curriculum. Parents are always closely involved in all aspects of this special provision. RESULTS Our children have a thirst for learning and achieve well. We are a high performing school. The trend in results here, at the end of Key Stage 1, for Reading, Writing and Mathematics is higher than the local authority’s overall performance and also above the National average. This means that all children (occasionally with an exception) leave our school with the expected level of performance or better in all these subjects.
1 0 B U S B R I D G E I N F A N T P R O S P E C T U S ADMISSIONS For more information on admissions, see the school website. We admit children to Reception in the September after their fourth birthday. As a school, it is of utmost importance that we set secure foundations for children’s lifelong learning, starting with their transition to Reception. We understand the importance of seeing the learning environments first hand and acquainting yourself with the class teachers prior to your child starting school. For these reasons, we provide those families whose child is starting with us opportunities such as; • A welcome evening and another school tour • An introduction to your child’s allocated new Reception class where you can stay, watch and be on hand to familiarise yourself with the expectations • A stay and play session after school for your child who is starting with us so that you can meet other family members • A Teddy’s bears picnic where your child class teacher will get to know your child more • A home visit at the beginning of September, before the start of the term We also operate a staggered start at the beginning of September for all Reception children and details of these are shared at the welcome evening. Pupils also join us, from time to time, during the school year when occasional vacancies occur. Whenever possible we like children to visit the school before they are admitted to get to know the building, and the staff with whom they will be working. School admissions are made in accordance with the Busbridge Infant School Admissions Policy. PARENT & TEACHER ASSOCIATION All parents and carers are members of this Association during your child’s stay at Busbridge Infant School . There is a committee comprising parents and the Head Teacher, which organises fund raising, social and educational functions. They also organise volunteers to help with any projects which we hope will improve the grounds or the school itself. Your support is needed to ensure the success of their functions and projects. There is an Annual General Meeting every September where you are invited to find out more about the role of the committee and how you can become involved.
S O U T H F A R N H A M P R O S P E C T U S 1 1
Contact Busbridge Infant School Address Hambledon Road, Busbridge, Godalmimg, Surrey, GU7 1PJ Telephone 01483 417898 Email info@busbridge.sfet.org.uk Website www.busbridge-infants.org South Farnham Educational Trust Address Menin Way, Farnham, Surrey, GU9 8DY Telephone 01252 716155 Email info.southfarnham@sfet.org Website www.sfet.org.uk