Autumn 1 Update
What a great start to the year we have had in Black Bear Class. The children have been learning about descriptive writing, creating a report on the planet from which the Alien 'Beegu', by Alexis Deacon, comes. They were very keen to create their very own drawings of Beegu's planet and then wrote fabulous descriptions using capitals, adjectives, commas in lists and full stops.
First we planned our noun phrases.
Then we wrote a description as a report.
In Maths, we have been looking into place value and number facts. Learning about the place value of numbers is a crucial building block for much of the calculation that we explore in Year 2.
As a part of our Design and Technology lessons, we have been learning about healthy ingredients required to make a tasty ice lolly. The children had to select a lolly from a range presented to them that would best be suited to the brief: tasty, healthier, fruit-filled and refreshing on a hot day.